Asado Ministries is just a name, but the idea of helping the small (4 million people) country of Uruguay, South America, has been on the heart of Tom Brown ever since his first trip to Montevideo, Uruguay, in February 2000.

The goal of the ministry is that by traveling to Uruguay frequently, 22 trips in 15 years, and meeting an ever expanding group of local Christians who are doing God’s work on a daily basis, we can better identify the needs, and observe the ongoing work. This way, there is accountability and greater trustworthiness that is developed with follow up, each trip.

Most mission work is accomplished when a group of well-intentioned visitors from the USA or other countries come to Uruguay (on for that matter anywhere in the developing Christian world), spend one week painting or building, then the visitors leave, never to return again. Not so with Asado Ministries.

We have been able to create deep relationships with local pastors, church leaders, Christian ministries and local businessmen that allows us to identify true needs. We are able to “read” the hearts of the wonderful local folks who want to bring folks to Christ and to develop facilities in Montevideo and the surrounding areas to encourage and attract others.

Uruguay has been desolate for over 100 years without a culture of faith. We want to help the planters sow the seeds in every way possible, not just in traditional ways. We seek micro-business opportunities where funding can make a huge difference.

We want to see discipleship programs flourish and to help new Christians grow deeper in their faith. We want to provide local pastors with materials that are in abundance (but not in Spanish) in the USA to help them do so.

We are open to every way possible to advance the cause of Christ in every manner possible.

Click here to read more about who we are and what we do: The Brown Report