1 – Organization Data:

CEPRODIH “Centro de Promoción por la Dignidad Humana”

Dirección: Gerónimo Piccioli 3280 – Curva de Maroñas

Localidad: Montevideo – Uruguay

Telf.: 0598 22224287

Mail: ceprodih@ceprodih.org

Web: www.ceprodih.org

Naturaleza Jurídica: Asociación Civil sin Fines de lucro

Fecha de constitución: 3 de julio de 1998. Estatutos aprobados el 6 de agosto 1999

Contacto: Lic. Adriana Abraham – adriana.abraham@ceprodih.org – Cel. 099911093

2 – Background










CEPRODIH is a non-profit civil association, founded in Montevideo in 1998, with the mission of serving and promoting the most vulnerable families, especially women with children at high social risk. Unemployment, domestic violence, helplessness during pregnancy, are some of the factors that undermine the dignity of women and directly impact the living conditions of children.
For 20 years Ceprodih has been a pioneer in the implementation of innovative programs in which, through a comprehensive approach methodology, not only the coverage of basic needs to the family is guaranteed, but also the economic inclusion of women is promoted mother, through training, the insertion into the formal market, the generation of productive enterprises and the “inclusive businesses”.

3 – Methodological model:

The triple impact model that Ceprodih carries out contemplates the following components:

3.1 – Social development: providing tools for improvement, technical advice and emotional containment in the face of crisis situations, as well as rapid income generation tools for female heads of household and young people in situations of high social risk.

3.2 – Economic development: promoting real businesses, small and large scale, legitimately competing in the market, in order to generate significant and stable income for families who participate in the process.

3.3 – Environmental development: working from a “circular economy” framework, reusing waste material as raw material for the production of products with high design and quality content.

4 – Target Population:












Every year Ceprodih receives the demand of hundreds of women, heads of families, who are going through extreme situations (domestic violence, homelessness, unemployment, immigration). The families come from all the neighborhoods of Montevideo and even from San José and Canelones. In general, the population that requests help has a very low level of education, little or no work experience and no references. In 2016, a process of expansion of the model to the interior of the country began, reaching several departments. The program has a multiplying impact, because by supporting the mother, not only is it guaranteed that she achieves a decent life project, according to her aspirations and aptitudes, but the children improve their living conditions, guaranteeing their full development and harmonic. Experience also tells us that the impact also unfolds towards their community, as women become a multiplying agent among their peers.

5 – Programs

5.1 Comprehensive care and promotion programs for the family at risk

5.1.1 Reception Team: performs the diagnosis of each personal situation and together with the woman they design a life project, which includes an educational-labor project.

5.1.2 Attention in Domestic Violence A team of specialists provides advice and accompaniment individually and in groups to women who go through high risk situations and their families.

5.1.3 Children’s space: Space for the care of children from 0 to 4 years old, while mothers train and / or start working.

5.1.4 “Por Venir”: Care and promotion program for pregnant women who do not have a job and do not have support from their partner or family.

5.2 Economic Inclusion Programs

5.2.1 Promote: it is an educational-labor program that provides training in areas such as gastronomy, textile industry, screen printing, IT, hairdressing, living room and bar, etc. They are short courses (3 months) that allow you to quickly acquire tools with which to generate income. The proposal is made according to the needs of the market, which guarantees the rapid labor insertion. Each course incorporates the technical component, computer science, social skills and basic skills for employment.

5.2.2 Opportunity Program: This Program promotes the formation of personal or collective micro productive undertakings, through tools such as training in business management, market and marketing study, access to credit, formalization, design, packing and quality control, space physical for production, exhibition and sales, etc. Through the Entrepreneurial Office, each undertaking is accompanied in a personalized way until its take-off.

5.2.3 Assisted Workshops: It is a proposal for people with greater difficulty of labor insertion, who accompanied by a “Coach”, learn the technique and simultaneously begin to produce and sell. The recycling workshops – Upcycling, are a proposal in partnership with companies that donate glass, fabrics, banners, etc. These materials are used by women entrepreneurs as raw materials and converted into high-quality, low-cost products.

5.2.4 Entrepreneurs Club: it is a space for active participation, where entrepreneurs who already have the business running are organized to generate new forms of joint marketing and support each other. Through “committees” they take charge of the planning and management of collective activities such as fairs, events, etc.

5.2.5 Inclusive Businesses: Through the institutional management, larger-scale businesses are promoted that allow numerous entrepreneurs to produce the same product with a high standard of quality and competitive price. The NGO acts as a link with companies, guaranteeing quality control and an adequate management of the process. This mechanism allows women entrepreneurs to produce from their homes, without neglecting the attention of children and generating more stable and significant income.

5.2.6 Brand HALO are products made with reused material (banners). They have a strong design and practicality component. Companies are seduced by being “friendly” with the environment and the social component, which makes it especially appreciated as a business gift or within CSR campaigns.

6 – Results 2018

In May of 2018 Ceprodih opens the doors in its new premises. 598 women were enrolled, of whom 31 were pregnant and 358 had young children in charge. 29 courses were taught in two modules and 274 diplomas were awarded (226 completed at least one course, 48 more than one course).

Opportunity: Entrepreneurship workshops 147 women participated.

Entrepreneurial Office: Accompanied 107 enterprises led by women 56 new businesses – 51 businesses strengthened.

The Children’s Area attended 112 children from 0 to 4 years old.

7 – Without commitment, we mention the current needs of the organization 2019:

7. 1 – Program POR VENIR

The Por Venir program serves pregnant women and mothers in situations of high social risk. Among the activities we mentioned
Pregnant: Accompaniment by a Social Worker during the entire process from its entry to its final takeoff. It is a reality that companies do not give work to a woman while she is pregnant, so at the time of greatest vulnerability, often not only remains alone but without the possibility of generating income.

Preparation workshops for delivery – Accompaniment by a midwife and professionals who support the process of preparation for childbirth and strengthening of the mother during the first months of the life of your child.

Children’s Space: it guarantees that young mothers can be trained and get ahead. By leaving young children in care they can continue the process of training and labor insertion, overcoming the circle of misery in which they find themselves inserted. The Children’s space is in charge of an educator and 20 volunteers.

7.2 PROMOVER Program

In 2019, 1,000 women registered for the first module (three in the year), of which only 220 were admitted, who were in a situation of greater vulnerability.

Problem situation: The total annual cost of the program is US $ 108,000.00. Having the capacity to train 200 people per classroom, in most workshops only 1 course per shift (equivalent to 20 people) can be provided due to lack of resources for teacher payment.

Ceprodih does not have the support of the State. We are currently receiving the support of the Beisso Foundation, which has been financed by some of the teachers: US $ 40,000.00.

The courses work in 3 annual modules, in charge of 12 teachers: gastronomy, pastry, textile, beauty, depilation, computer science, serigraphy, recycling, Vitrofusión, valets, etc.

By not having funds to cover the difference, the classrooms are underutilized, working at less than 50% of their potential.

Demand: Although in February 2019 more than 1,100 women were enrolled, only the 220 who were in a situation of greater vulnerability (pregnant women, children in charge, domestic violence, immigrants) could enter the program.

The courses that are most in demand and would most urgently require an answer are:


The woman does not pay anything, even in crisis situations, Ceprodih takes care of the transport so that she can attend. All students receive breakfast or snack as appropriate. It also has other benefits such as: children’s space, cross-disciplinary information, workshops on social skills and work and professional support (psychologist).

APPLICATION: Each course of 3 months has a cost of – US$ 1,875.oo ($ 60,000.oo – between teacher and materials).

Example: In the rest of the year, 2 more gastronomy modules will be available (June – July – August / September – October – November 2019) = equivalent to US$ 3,750.oo guaranteeing the training of 40 women.

Thanking all the support we have received so far, being at your service to expand the information, greet you affectionately,

Por Ceprodih
Lic. Adriana Abraham









8 – Organigrama