Siegfried is the first Uruguayan that I met when I began my trips to Uruguay in February 2000. Siegfried’s ministry, To All Nations, owns a large piece of property on the outskirts of Montevideo. The property has fruit tress (lemons, limes and peaches, among others). Siegfried has always wanted to develop the farm to a greater capacity. He calls this project Eagles Wings.
He would also like to host camp meetings/retreats for different churches soccer tournaments and other events on this property. He is in the process of building different structures on the property of the farm as you can see by the pictures above.
Siegfried knows many pastors and church leaders in Uruguay. He is deeply involved in discipleship programs and has recently brought a number of church leaders from Uruguay to The Cove, in North Carolina for a Christian conference on discipleship ministries.
Siegfried is well respected among his peers in Uruguay. His vision is to bring about a deeper faith among the growing Christian community by encouraging the various churches and their leaders to grow deeper in their discipleship efforts.
Siegfried needs support with regard to the farming operation. He is at the point where now the sale of the produce pays for the labor but the profit is not sufficient to support his discipleship work. We would hope to find partners who can help the farming operation use to new levels of profitability, allowing Siegfried to advance his discipleship program to the benefits of the Uruguayan churches.
He can certainly use some help with regard to the discipleship program for purchase of materials to distribute among the growing churches in Uruguay. He receives his support from a few Canadian churches.