The inside of the Chapel and Sergio Amorin in front of the Chapel decorated by the prisoners
The inside of the chapel established by Amorin as one of many chapels at one of the prisons in Uruguay, in front of the chapel decorated by prisoners.

Sergio Amorin and the gentlemen involved in Prison Ministry

Sergio Amorin and the gentlemen involved in Prison Ministry – Author Hugo Piriz on the right

Carmen and I asked the Lord in prayer prior to traveling to Montevideo, Uruguay, in 2015, for guidance and wisdom and to fill our schedule with anything that the Holy Spirit finds fit for us to get involved with. Little did we know that one of those was a Prison Ministry! Attached is a letter that I sent to a wonderful theologian friend of ours, Dr. Ken Boa, who has some contacts with Prison Fellowship Ministry located in Texas. The letter that is attached explains better what we want to do. We seek help from anyone that is interested in helping with this ministry. Mr. Amorin is a powerful Christian who has an opportunity for Uruguay that seems to be unparalleled. Also attached are a few pictures of Mr. Amorin. This man is completely credible, an excellent communicator and a person that “has been there and done that” with regard to prison (he served 18 years). We hope that some of you will feel the urging of the Holy Spirit to get involved in this ministry to publish the book that the author Hugo Piriz wants to produce regarding the life or Amorin. We never realized that we could be so excited about this ministry to reach all those “hopelessly” behind bars in a violent prison system.

Our letter to Dr. Boa is attached.

Letter to Dr. Ken Boa


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