Sunday School classroom renovation for Edgardo Paredes

There are many suburbs of Montevideo that are very poor. Edgardo Paredes is pastoring a wonderful congregation of people from an impoverished suburb North of Montevideo who love The Lord in spite of their circumstances. They are like an “oasis in a desert”.

Old car relic in Edgardo’s church yard. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”-2 Corinthians 5:17
Old car relic in Edgardo’s church yard. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”-2 Corinthians 5:17
bicycle used by pastor Edgardo to evangelize the neighborhood
Bicycle used by pastor Edgardo to evangelize the neighborhood

Edgardo found an old farm that he could rent with a very old building and other structures on it, and established a church. The main building has almost no roof, dirt floors, and cinder-block walls. But the people pour in this place almost every day for Bible studies, worship, social work as feeding and clothing the poor. The picture that you see attached shows the only existing Sunday School classroom for the children of this congregation that exists on these premises. There is not even a door nor a distinguishable door frame. The hearts of Carmen and I were broken when we visited this church. We could not believe how run down and tiny was by our standards. Yet we saw the children worshiping together with their moms and sometimes with their father in the main church. Their joy was visible and they were praising the Lord for everything that they had.

Asado Ministries would like to help this church by providing funding to paint the walls of the Sunday School classroom, putting up an appropriate door and providing tables and chairs and providing a better environment for these children to study The Word of God. The cost for this project we approximate to be at about $750. We hope that our friends will agree to help us with very modest project. Will you do so?

Donate to Edgardo Paredes’ Sunday School Classroom